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The Empowerment Approach


What is The Empowerment Approach?

At Downs Junior school, we have adopted ‘The Empowerment Approach’ to behaviour. It uniquely brings together a range of disciplines, including neuroscience, neurobiology, psychology, and coaching.

Key elements of The Empowerment Approach:

  • Teaching children about their brains
  • Agreeing high expectations
  • Supporting children to prepare and plan to be at their best for learning and play
  • Responding by connecting when things go wrong
  • Following up every incident and solving problems together
  • Coaching young people to resolve unhelpful behaviour patterns
  • Recognising our own executive function skills and how these can be developed/changed to help us learn.

Behaviour Policy

Our behaviour policy has been developed in line with The Empowerment Approach. Please click on the below link to read our policy.

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