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Physical Education


At Downs, PE is active, inclusive, challenging and fun! We have great facilities and equipment to provide the children with a range of activities and experiences to develop their physical competency and encourage positive attitudes towards physical activity. The children have opportunities to participate in a wide range of games, gymnastics, dance and athletic activities. We work with a physical activities specialist, who helps to deliver high quality PE experiences for all children. In lessons, you will see children engaging in a variety of high quality physical activities that promote collaborating while celebrating the successes of themselves and others. We aim to teach a skills based PE curriculum that also gives the children an understanding of the importance of health and fitness.

Implementation and impact

Physical education is taught twice a week in one hour sessions. Every year, children will explore dance, gymnastics, games and athletics. Pupils will continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. They will enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other. They will develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.

Every year, two year groups participate in swimming lessons for half a term which is taught by trained instructors. Children in Year 6 also have the opportunity to take part in outdoor adventure activities during a residential trip to the Isle of Wight. 

Extra-curricular activities

We have achieved the gold School Games Mark because of our participation in inter and intra school competitions such as cross country and indoor athletics.

There are all also many opportunities for children to enrich and develop their understanding of physical education through extracurricular clubs. We use pupil questionnaires to find out which clubs children would like to attend and change clubs accordingly. We offer a wide range of inclusive and engaging afterschool clubs and activities.

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PE Rational

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