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Geography Intent

At Downs, we identify Geography as being 'The study of physical features of the Earth and places upon it and how these affect or are affected by people.' Through the teaching of Geography, we wish to encourage (in our children) an interest and curiosity in the world around them both globally and locally.  Our enquiry-based approach promotes asking questions, making links, and understanding cause and effect.

At Downs the teaching of Geography allows children to develop: 

  • Skills of map reading.
  • Knowledge of places around the world, as well as their local area including local parks, the South Downs, areas affected by bombing WW2 and local rivers.
  • Knowledge of physical features.
  • An understanding of how humans are affected by the world around them.
  • Their spiritual, moral, social and cultural selves by encouraging them to consider and voice their own opinions.
  • Opportunities to share their personal connections with the world.

During their time at Downs the children will use a range of maps including: atlases, globes, OS Maps, and digital resources, to find where in the world they live and begin to compare their ‘sense of place’ with others around the globe. They will be encouraged to enquire and investigate, to compare and contrast and to consider how people around the globe make use of their environment. They will embark on a number of field trips to develop their enquiry and field work skills. 


“I enjoyed reading The Explorers to link with our topic on the Amazon river.”

“It was fun learning about how Mountains are formed with bread! It really helps us remember it.”

Progression and Subject Coverage

Year 3 - Pole to Pole / The Great Outdoors

Will be available later in the year.

Year 4 - Abominable Adventures

Will be available later in the year.

Year 5 - Rivers

Will be available later in the year.

Year 6 - On The Move / Power of the Plants

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