Meet the Governors

Rebecca Elton
Co-opted Governor & Chair of Governors
Committees and Working Groups: Resources Committee
I joined the Board in October 2021 as a co-opted governor and the resources committee in January 2022. I have two children attending Downs Junior and have a wealth of gratitude and huge respect for the incredible work that the school and its staff do.
I’ve worked in central government for 20 years delivering programmes and portfolios of digital transformation, building organisational strategy, improving how we do our work, how we govern and how manage our performance.
Outside of work I’d say my keenest hobby is my allotment and horticulture… it’s not always successful, but there’s always something to learn!
Co-opted Governor
Gareth Hughes
Co-opted Governor & Vice Chair of Governors
Committees and Working Groups: Curriculum , Data & Teaching
I am Gareth Hughes a local authority Governor at Downs Junior School since May 2022 and vice chair of the Governing body since July 2023. I am part of the curriculum, data and standards committee and work with Governors on the strategic direction for the school.
I have experience of school governance in the primary, secondary and sixth form college sectors and have been a school leader for over 20 years (I currently work as Deputy Headteacher at Varndean School) and I am pleased to bring this experience to the Governing Body at DJS.
Downs is a strong school embedded in its community and it is a pleasure to work with a group of Governors who have different expertise but share a common commitment to the school supporting what it does well and challenging its leadership to improve where it can.

Hedley Swain
Co-opted Governor
Hedley is the CEO of Brighton & Hove Museums, the independent trust that cares for the Royal Pavilion and four other museums in Brighton & Hove. He previously worked for Arts Council England as Area Director South East England and has a background in museums and archaeology. Hedley lives with his wife Helen in North Laine and they also have a home in Sweden where their nieces and nephew are at junior school. He was previously a school governor in London.
Elly Savage
Staff Governor
Committees and Working Groups: Staff Wellbeing
I am a year leader at Downs Junior School (year 6)
I am a Watford FC fan and general football fan, I love nothing better than camping in my campervan and long walks with my dog. I also love live music.
I became a governor to represent the hardworking staff in our school
I was also staff Governor at my previous school in Trafford, Manchester

Richard Rudd
Co-opted Governor
Committes and Working Groups - Data, Teaching & Learning Group
My three daughters enjoyed their time at Downs and are now at secondaries and beyond. I am delighted to be able to contribute something to the life of this wonderful school. One important aspect of DJS that I'm keen to support and to see enhanced is the breadth of the curriculum and the time given to subjects such as art, music, foreign languages and sport.
I work in physics and engineering, which gives me a good understanding of the potential, but also the limitations, of measurement and data gathering; useful, I hope, for my role in the Governors.

Roz Buchan
Co-opted Governor
Committees and Working Groups: Vulnerable Pupils Group, Headteacher Appraisal Panel
I am a retired former project manager at the University of Brighton.
My hobbies are theatre, dancing, reading.
I’ve always had a keen interest in education. My 3 adult children all went to DJS and I was a governor at the school back then and stayed on for a few years after my youngest left. Although it’s been several years since I was involved with the school I thought now was the right time for me to put to use my skills and experience.

Hesione Quinn
Co-opted Governor
I’ve lived in the local community for most of my life. My daughter attended Downs Junior School and had an excellent experience which set her up for success as she makes her journey through secondary school.
Professionally, my whole career has been in the public sector, most recently working in energy regulation. I found my way into education and school governance through volunteering in my daughter’s class when she was in Reception. I gained a wide appreciation for the inner workings and challenges of the education system as well as an understanding of how crucial the Primary education stage is.
Leisure wise, I love to learn about astronomy and space travel. I also enjoy travelling (on Earth!) and going to the theatre.

Andy Siantonas
Co-opted Governor
Committees and Working Groups: Resources Committee
I have been a governor at Downs Junior School since January 2021 and my daughter is a former pupil at the school
I've always loved this part of Brighton and wanted to contribute to the community in any way that I can. It's great to have an opportunity to do that at such an amazing school. Currently I am the chair of the school's Resources Committee.
My hobbies are playing the electric organ, snooker, reading and tennis. Probably in that order.

Caroline Mann
I have been a Governor at Downs Junior School since December 2018. I was initially a Parent Governor and both of my children had an amazing time at DJS and are currently continuing their journey through secondary education.
I have been teaching in secondary education for the past 25 years as a teacher of Modern Foreign Languages and more recently English. I experience every day the challenges within the education system and I hope to bring a balanced approach to my governing work as both parent and teacher alike.
Every child has the right to feel safe, valued and respected. Academic success is only one aspect of how a school should be judged and I passionately believe that every child deserves to be developed and nurtured to achieve the very best they can. It is also up to us as adults to promote, educate and make children curious about what respect looks and feels like in relationships with adults and amongst their peers.
Downs Juniors is a fantastic school and I am committed to working alongside staff and fellow governors to ensure that our children continue to benefit from a diverse and well-rounded education within a safe and nurturing environment.
Outside of school I try to keep fit through running and swimming. I also love dancing and anything Eighties
Co-opted Governor
Committees & working groups: Safeguarding and Well being Group
Claire Ashley
Category of governor
Co-opted Governor on a 4 year term
Quality & Compliance Manager (apprenticeships) Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals Trust
Governance Experience
Brief experience of 6th form Governance before moving away.
Hobbies and Interests
Walking my 2 dogs, travelling and reading
Links to the school/area .
Originally from Yorkshire, I have lived in Brighton/Hove since 2014, spending 3 years in Hollingdean. Currently live in Hove
Why did you become a governor?
I am passionate about education and the change it can make to society and the world. Having experienced secondary and further education, I wanted to be involved in Primary education and use my experience to add value and hopefully make a difference to younger children, so they can go on to lead healthy, productive lives.