Presentations from our Information Meetings for Parents - September 2024
We were very pleased to see so many parents at our recent year group information meetings. If you were unable to attend, the presentation for each year group is attached below. Please contact your child's class teacher if you have any further questions.
Using 'Seesaw' - our home / school learning platform.
As well as being available on the website, Homework Grids and Learning Journeys for each year group are uploaded to Seesaw, which is our learning platform. Children may upload some work from class, which you can view.
Teachers and Year Leaders may also send children and families messages on Seesaw via 'announcements'.
Every child has their own home learning code which has been sent home (or they can use their Google login which they use in Computing).
Please watch the video below which should help you get to grips with Seesaw. If you need any further clarification, please ask your child's class teacher.
Children's well-being
Every year children in our school complete a short
survey telling us how they are feeling about their journey at Downs Junior. Here are the results of the latest survey.