Year 3 - 3SK, 3J, 3T, 3B
Autumn 1 - The Stone Age
Autumn 2 - Ice Worlds
Spring 1 - Metal Monsters
Spring 2- Into the Woods
Summer 1 - The Romans
Summer 2 - Going Green
Year 4 - 4B, 4G, 4PM, 4E
Autumn 1 - Ancient Egypt
Autumn 2 - Ancient Egypt continued
Spring 1 - Abominable Events and Awesome Mountains
Spring 2 - Abominable Events and Awesome Mountains continued
Summer 1 - Anglo Saxons and Legendary Creatures
Summer 2 - Anglo Saxons and Legendary Creatures continued
Year 5 - 5DR, 5PY, 5M, 5J
Autumn 1 - Out of This World
Autumn 2 - Groovy Greeks
Spring 1 - Movement and Motion
Spring 2 & Summer 1 - World War 2
Summer 2 - The Amazon
Year 6 - 6B, 6BF, 6H, 6P
Autumn 1 and 2 - On The Move and Black & British
Spring Term 1 - Power of the Planet
Spring Term 2 - Evolution Revolution
Summer Term - Ancient Maya